Financial Planning

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Comprehensive Financial Planning is a process that involves identifying and setting realistic lifetime cash flow, wealth accumulation, and asset distribution goals, and then implementing them effectively for the rest of your life. To do this, it is important to bring all of your lifetime financial goals together, set priorities, take advantage of the tax laws, and use various financial products to your advantage. It does not include leaving your future to chance, or planning in a piecemeal fashion. At Capital Planning Consultants, we believe comprehensive financial planning is an on-going, lifelong process, not a one-time event. It requires fine-tuning goals, and adjusting to changing tax laws and financial environments.

The following is an organized process, whereby; you can increase the likelihood of achieving your financial goals.           

·        Fact Find

·        Gather all financial information

·        Establish goals and objectives

·        Establish risk tolerances

·        Review your concerns


·        Create a Personalized Financial Plan

·        Review fact find, goals, objectives, and risk tolerances

·        Analyze your current financial status

·        Develop a personalized plan with specific recommendations


·        Present Financial Plan

·        Review the financial plan and recommendations

·        Answer questions

·        Develop an action plan


·        Monitor the plan

·        Analyze and evaluate all ongoing issues

·        Make the necessary changes to the plan 

·        Keep the financial plan current



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